Chimelong Ocean Kingdom
Current Inventory
♂ Bobby (transfer 2014)
♀ Emma (transfer 2014)
♂ Gabar (transfer 2014)
♂ Garik (transfer 2014)
♂ Jora (transfer 2014)
♀ Kleo (transfer 2014)
♂ Laomi (transfer 2014)
♀ Nastya (transfer 2014)
♂ Usach (transfer 2014)
♀ Vera (transfer 2014)
♂ Xiaoxiao (transfer 2014)
♀ Yaya (transfer 2014)
♀ unknown (transfer 2014)
♂ Lala (birth 2023-Jun-01)
Past Inventory
A minimum of fourteen walruses have been photo-identified at Chimelong Ocean Kingdom over the past two calendar years (as of this writing in October of 2023), including eight bulls and six cows.
This park currently houses the largest herd of walruses in the world.
Chimelong stated in April of 2015 that their walruses were between "1 and 3 years old".
The CITES Trade Database shows a single import of 19 or 22 walruses into China in 2014 -- it is likely that this was the initial herd purchased by Chimelong.