Safari World


header image sourced from Youtube

Current Inventory

Boria (transfer 2006)

Tata (transfer 2006)

Yaris (transfer 2006)

New Normal (birth 2020-Jun-18)

Past Inventory

♀ unknown (unknown 2019)

Notes and Information

CITES Trade Database maintains three records for an import of walruses into Thailand — two exporter-reported in 2004 and 2005, and one importer-reported in 2006, each for four walruses. It is known that the facility ultimately received an initial herd of four - a bull and three cows - for which they paid 2.5 million baht (roughly $80,000 USD) each, though I do not have confirmation at this time of when they were born and when they arrived in Thailand. Using the CITES data, I tentatively assume here that Safari World's initial herd were likely born during or prior to 2004 and imported in 2006.
