
Pacific walrus (O. r. divergens)

born on August 2nd, 1989

deceased on August 2nd, 1989

Ancestors and Descendants


Aituk (capture 1978)

Bruiser (capture 1978-May-15)

Transfer History

  1. birth 1989-Aug-02 at Cincinnati Zoo

  2. death 1989-Aug-02 at Cincinnati Zoo




  • #45 (Association of Zoos and Aquariums)

Notes and Information

The images found here have all been gathered either from this facility's official resources or news articles.

This pup may have either been born alive and passed away that same day, or stillborn. Its gender is unknown.

This walrus's parents are listed as 'unknown' in the 2004 studbook, although from 1987 to 1995 Aituk and Bruiser were to my knowledge the only pair housed at Cincinnati. My listing those individuals as the parents of this pup is a presumption based on this information. It's worth noting that an article on a pup born in 1991 mentioned a previous stillborn in to the pup's mother, Aituk, in 1988, but there was no mention made of a 1989 pregnancy.


  • 2018-Jan-08. Lisa Oland. AZA Regional Studbook.

  • 2005-Apr-25. Jodie Baker. 2004 North American Regional Walrus Studbook.