

female walrus (O. rosmarus

wild caught ≥ 2005

living at Poseidon Ocean Kingdom

Ancestors and Descendants


Doris (birth 2017-Jun-13)

Transfer History

Image Gallery

No images available at this time.



Notes & Disclaimer

The images found here have all been gathered either from this facility's official resources or news articles.

Gelusha was the first walrus to successfully conceive and give birth to a pup in China.

There are inconsistencies concerning Gelusha's arrival to Royal Ocean Park; some sources state that she was 12 years old as of 2017 and had lived at the park for 10 years, while others say she arrived at the park at 8 months old. It is known that another of the park's walruses, Wuma, arrived in 2005, so it is probable that Gelusha arrived alongside her and a third walrus, Adam, as a trio ahead of the park's opening in May of 2006.

Gelusha's transfer date to Poseidon Ocean Kingdom is unknown, although she was last sighted at Royal Ocean Park on December 21st, 2021 and first resighted at Poseidon via content uploaded on May 30th, 2022.