walrus (O. rosmarus)
entry ≥ 1999
unknown status ≥ 1999
Ancestors and Descendants
No known related animals.
Transfer History
entry ≥ 1999
unknown ≥ 1999 at Dolfinarium Harderwijk
Image Gallery
No images available at this time.
OrZH013 (Dolfinarium Harderwijk)
Notes and Information
Beyond its identifier, OrZH013, I have thus far been unable to find any information regarding this individual.
This walrus's registration number comes between that of Nikolai's (born in 1995) and Rossita's (arrived in 2002) -- it should additionally be noted that one publication referencing Harderwijk's walruses over a study period ending in 1999 excluded this individual, making it most likely that this individual arrived in Harderwijk at some point between 1999 and 2002.
It is unknown whether this individual was wild-caught or captive-born.
2000-Jan. R. A. Kastelein et al. Food consumption and body weight of captive Pacific walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens). Retrieved from researchgate.net [archive]