
female walrus (O. rosmarus)

wild caught ≥ 1974

unknown status ≥ 1979

Ancestors and Descendants

No known related animals.

Transfer History

  1. capture ≥ 1974 in wild

  2. transfer ≥ 1974 to SeaWorld San Diego

  3. transfer ≤ 1979 to SeaWorld Aurora

  4. unknown ≥ 1979 at SeaWorld Aurora

Physical Data

The dates listed here generally represent the time at which the measurements were published, not necessarily the date on which they were taken.


  • 1977-Mar: 400 lb

  • 1979-May-24: 1,200 lb

Daily diet

  • 1977-May: 125 lb (fresh clams and whipped cream)

Image Gallery

No images available at this time.

Notes and Information


  • 1977-Mar. Kathryn Tidyman in Boys' Life. Sea World. Retrieved from Google Books.