
female walrus (O. rosmarus)

born on May 20th, 1975

deceased ≥ 1975

Ancestors and Descendants


Farouk (capture 1961-May)

Petula (capture 1961-May)

Transfer History

  1. birth 1975-May-20 at Marineland of the Pacific

  2. death ≥ 1975 at Marineland of the Pacific

Image Gallery

No images available at this time.

Notes & Disclaimer

The images found here have all been gathered either from this facility's official resources or news articles.

One source says this pup was born May 26th, as opposed to May 20th. The same source also states that she died in November 1977; however, another source says she only lived "nearly a year", implying that she would have passed away before or during early 1976.