Ancestors and Descendants
Ancestors and Descendants
No known related animals at this time.
Transfer History
Transfer History
capture 1990-Jul-15 in Wrangel Island, Russia
transfer 1990 to Moscow [see notes]
transfer 1990-Aug-15 to Izu-Mito Sea Paradise
transfer 1993-Apr-22 to Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise
Physical Data
Physical Data
The dates listed here generally represent the time at which the measurements were published, not necessarily the date on which they were taken.
1997-Apr-28: 730.5 kg · 1,610.4 lb
Image Gallery
Image Gallery
Notes and Information
Notes and Information
This walrus was said to have been initially housed at the "Moscow Dolphinarium"; the only facility I am aware of operating under this name first opened to the public over a decade after this event.
Seita was estimated to have been 3 months old in August of 1990.