
female walrus (O. rosmarus)

wild caught in 2003

living at Pairi Daiza

Ancestors and Descendants


Floki (birth 2021-May-22)

Transfer History

  1. capture 2003 in Russia

  2. transfer 2003-Dec to Oceanografic Valencia

  3. transfer 2019-Dec-18 to Tierpark Hagenbeck

  4. transfer 2020-Dec to Pairi Daiza

Physical Data

The dates listed here generally represent the time at which the measurements were published, not necessarily the date on which they were taken.


  • 2020-Dec-14: 1,230 kg · 2,711 lb

Image Gallery

No images available at this time.

Notes and Information

Oceanografic's initial herd of five walruses, including this individual, were all estimated to be 6 months old upon arrival to the park.

I assume the walruses arrived in early December; sources say they arrived a month prior to December 27th, and on the week of December 12th.

Though her name was spelled "Tanya" for the first 16 years of her life, this was altered to "Tania" upon transfer to Tierpark Hagenbeck in 2019.

Currently, as of this writing in December 2019, Oceanografic Valencia retains ownership of Tania, though her loan to Pairi Daiza is long-term and expected to last no less than ten years at least.


  • 2020-Dec-14. Pairi Daiza. [Facebook post]. Retrieved from Facebook.com.