Grandview Aquarium
Current Inventory
Past Inventory
This facility is also known as Zhengjia Polar Ocean World 正佳极地海洋世界
Grandview's walruses were said to be two years old in January of 2016.
Construction on the Grandview Aquarium began in 2015, with the facility opening to the public on January 16th, 2016.
Early unofficial reports around the time of the aquarium's opening stated five animals, though I have only ever visually confirmed a maximum of four.
Grandview's social media uses the names "Wendy" and "Amy" interchangeably with footage of the same individuals, although they are known to be two separate cows. On January 10th, 2025 the park uploaded footage of Wendy, though labeled by the park as Amy. It is unknown at this time if Amy has actually returned to the park from her transfer to Nanjing.
2016-Jan-20. 羊城晚报。传说受到伤害你还好吗?Retrieved from